Oz: The great and powerful or not so much?

oz-the-great-and-powerful03Last night I went to see the adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, having the bold title Oz: The great and powerful. Starring James Franco (Oz), Mila Kunis (Theodora), Rachel Weisz (Evanora) and Michelle Williams (the good witch Glinda), the film tells the story of a Kansas magician, who finds himself in a fantasy world, where he has to decide if he wants to be a good man or a great one.

A lot of people are criticising Franco’s acting as the great wizard of Oz without even seeing the film. After they’ve seen it, however, they criticise all of it. Certainly, the film could hardly live up to its expectations, especially being in The Wizard of Oz‘s shadow.

Frankly, the best part of the film for me was Finley the monkey, voiced by Zach Braff. The rest of it somehow felt like a parody, and I can only assume that’s what the director was aiming for, though I seriously doubt it.

Despite the fact the film was not the great success its makers probably expected, the studio has already started to work on a sequel.

M. Stefanova, 2013