What I like



I believe I have a diverse film taste, consisting of wide range of different genres, but I can’t help but prefer some over another. I always put fantasy and science fiction before drama, comedy over romance, I choose documentary over reality.

Here is a list of my all-time favourite films and TV series, which I hope you can relate to.


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – an amazing journey through mysterious lands.

Fight Club – “Everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy.”

The Truman Show – a mind-opening film, that made me laugh, cry, and most importantly – think.

TV Series:

Game of Thrones – the series, based on George R.R. Martin’s books, which I recommend as well, have bewitched me, body and soul.

Friends – needless to say, that’s the best comedy series of all time.

Top Gear – nobody watches it for the cars, we all love some English sense of humour!